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Possible Ways to Put Black Holes to Good Use

In order to take advantage of a black hole to use it for a type of teleportation. The black hole needs to be spinning for the best possible way to make a worm hole available. A worm hole is a type of a short cut through space. There is no way to move faster than the speed of light but by using this short cut you won't move faster than light. You will shorten the distance in space.


In order to take advantage of a black hole to use it for time travel. The black hole does not need to be spinning. In Stephen Hawking's opinion he can see time travel being used by getting a ship to orbit the black hole. It would take about 16 minutes to orbit the black hole once but to the passengers on the ship would experience time slow down. In their time it would be cut in half and they would experience the orbit to be about 8 minutes. In theory you would be only able to move into the future but with technology moving forward faster than ever. Soon we could have the technology to manipulate time around the black hole ever more and go back in time.

Time Travel

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