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Black Holes in Depth

Black Holes have only been studied for a few years now. Even Einstien disowned the idea of the existence of black hole because he assumed some natural phenomenon prevented the black holes from ever forming. Only when scientist were able to observe the universe in extreme detail did they see strange things occuring around certain areas. They saw pure darkness in the middle of galaxies, stars that were close to the center of galaxies being thrown around in high speed orbits, the distortion of light around the black hole, and the huge destruction caused when a black hole consumed a star. Black holes are seen as huge cosmic monsters in the universe but are actually a vital part of creating the universe. In every single galaxy there is a super massive black hole that has formed that galaxy in every way. Galaxies would not be able to hold itself together if it was not for black holes. If they were not there, there would be chaos and solar systems would be thrown all around the universe to constently collide with other cosmic objects or solar systems. This is why black holes have become so interesting to scientist in recent years because even with every answer they get black holes are still a huge mystery in the universe.


The name black hole was created because that is what it looks like when observed from our planet but black holes are normally misinterpreted and are thought of as an actual hole in space time. However this is not true, the truth is that they are also a spherical shape like other cosmic objects in the universe. Movie productions and even science videos show black holes in an imagined way. They do this to better help the viewer  visualize and understand how black holes work but does not actually stay true to its actual image. 


Black holes are extremely hard to predict what is happening inside a black hole. Mostly because the law of physics break down and as the black hole consumes more and more matter. It increasingly becomes much denser which leads to it having a stronger gravitational pull. That is why black hole that started their life from the early years of the universe are now known as super massive black holes because through the billions of years roaming the universe they have gathered tons of matter. 

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